
Control Flow Monad

An example of an interesting application of monads for an interpreter in OCaml.

Fixing Broken SRI Checks with Cloudflare

Instructions for fixing subresource integrity checks when using Cloudflare.

NixOS on the Zephyrus G14

A walkthrough of configuring NixOS for the Zephyrus G14.

Deploying a Vite App to GitHub Pages

GitHub pages require relative paths to assets, which Vite doesn't cooperate with by default, but we can fix that!

Backing up Android Photos using Termux and Rsync

A simple, incremental photo backup strategy for Android using Termux and Rsync.

Connecting to UofT WiFi with iwd

Instructions for how to connect to UofT's WPA enterprise WiFi network using IWD.

Deploying a SvelteKit Site to a Cloudflare Worker

SvelteKit's experimental Cloudflare Workers adapter provides a way to easily deploy a SvelteKit site to Cloudflare workers.