Fixing Broken SRI Checks with Cloudflare

tags: [SRICloudflareHugo]

Explanation and Solution

If you’re seeing an error similar to the following in Chrome:

Failed to find a valid digest in the 'integrity' attribute for resource '...' with computed ... integrity '...'. The resource has been blocked.

…or this one, in Firefox:

None of the “...” hashes in the integrity attribute match the content of the subresource. The computed hash is “...”.

…when trying to load your site through Cloudflare, but you’re not getting any errors when running it locally, there’s a good chance it’s related to the minification they automatically apply to CSS and/or JS files. Since minification changes the contents of the file to make it smaller if possible, this can break subresource integrity hash checks, causing the resource to be rejected.

You can fix this by disabling the “Auto Minify” feature for CSS and/or JS in the Cloudflare dashboard. The page in Cloudflare’s docs here describes how to configure the feature. After disabling it, don’t forget to purge your cache, as that page recommends.

Terraform Configuration

If you’re configuring Cloudflare with Terraform, the following snippet will allow you to declaratively disable minification:

resource "cloudflare_zone_settings_override" "<name>" {
  zone_id = "<zone-id>"
  settings {
    minify {
      css  = "off"
      html = "on"
      js   = "off"